On putting words to paper, or why I’m here.

I have a confession. I may be a little obsessed with the Broadway show “Hamilton”.

Words have always been an integral part of my life. I have been a voracious reader since I was four years old. In Kindergarten, Ms. Myers paused class so I could put on a play until I looked at her and said, “but I need paper to write it.” I’m sad to say that play was never performed. I submitted poems to Reflections in primary school. I am now an attorney who drafts and reads contracts for a living. This year marks 7 years as a member of my book club. In fact, Goodreads has my READ total at 420 books, 39 for the year.

In case it wasn’t clear, I’m constantly reading or writing. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if words flowed through my veins instead of blood. It is by far my favorite past time and at  the top of my bucket list is to one day have a published novel.

All of that to bring us to today. It’s that time of year again. The time when my brain cries out to put words on paper. Well, words on a screen at least. It’s almost time for NaNoWriMo, or for the non-writing nerds among us: National Novel Writing Month. Every November, crazy people around the world decide they will write a novel. In a month. Totaling at least 50,000 words. Did I mention in a month? Okay, so maybe they’re not crazy but they’re not kidding when they say it’s a marathon.My first time out was in 2012 and I didn’t hit the full mark but I didn’t give up and finally finished that story in the last two months. It still needs a ton of work but here I am, gearing up for a new marathon.

So why a blog? Simple: It’s a place to chronicle my writing journey whether it’s a poem, response to a Reddit prompt or just a rambling idea. It’s also an accountability to report back on NaNoWriMo progress.